Getting to know you better... Do you have a favorite meal? A "go to" comfort food that immediately puts you in your Grandma's kitchen? I have two. Yes, two. It's OK to have two. One my MaMaw made me and the other my Papaw made for me. Today I am going to tell you about Fried Toast. My grandparents lived all the way at the end of Broadwell Road near Rodessa, Louisiana. When I say at the end of it...I mean it. The road ended and you drove through a pasture to get to their house. It had a big metal gate. I can't tell you how many times that I got in trouble for swinging on that gate. I just couldn't resist the temptation. I can remember MaMaw telling me that I couldn't go past the barbwire fence in the very back of the pasture...what I didn't realize at the time was that she lived just about on the State line. I'm fairly certain that I might have crossed over that fence a time or town with my friends....